Customer reviews
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A fost ok
Review of , following an experience of by RHODA F. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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super site - usor de folosit, caracteristici produs ok transport rapid - usor de urmarit comanda din contul personal
Review of , following an experience of by BLAKE N. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Comanda a fost procesata ok. Preț bun
Review of , following an experience of by RAHUL B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Mulțumit de produs și livrare
Review of , following an experience of by MARGE E. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Prea puține informații referitoare la produse și calitatea lor.
Review of , following an experience of by JOANNE N. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by MAGDALEN H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte usor de folosit, produsul a ajuns relativ repede, venind din Italia, nu a suferit daune la transport, foarte ok.
Review of , following an experience of by ARDELLA R. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Își respecta promisiunile.
Review of , following an experience of by BURDETTE B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Recunosc, am avut o oarecare reținere, deoarece nu cunoșteam site-ul și am crezut că am pierdut banii. Însă, când am primit coletul, mi-am dat seama că este ok
Review of , following an experience of by JAROD B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Am fost mulțumită de cumpărăturile făcute pe site. Livrare la timp, modalități de plată sigure, per ansamblu un site ok.
Review of , following an experience of by TITO H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Fast delivery.
Review of , following an experience of by MAGDALEN W. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Rezonabil.... dar produsul este plusat mult în prezentare!
Review of , following an experience of by TREY G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Seriozitate si promtitudine
Review of , following an experience of by KIM H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte bine
Review of , following an experience of by HANNA A. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by JOHAN W. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Comanda a venit repede.
Review of , following an experience of by TESSIE L. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrarea a fost prompta, profesionala.
Review of , following an experience of by JOSHUA M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Totul a fost ok. Produsul a fost livrat repede si a fost conform descrierii si pozelor.
Review of , following an experience of by DEMARCO B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site ul este atragator
Review of , following an experience of by MAE Z. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Comanda mea a venit cu suruburi lipsa pentru masuta. A durat aproape 2 sapt sa primesc un raspuns dupa ce am pus toate informatiile pe situl aosom si am trimis formularul la ei. Nu mi-ai raspuns deloc cu toate ca am sunat de 3 ori!!!!!! Ultima oara am sunat si mi s-a spus sa trimit un email la o adresa si am trimis si m-au contatact si au cerut foia de montaj ??? Nu mai am nici o foaie si pentru niste suruburi amarate mi-a stat masuta aia in living room 2 sapt dezmembrata si stresul de cate ori am sunat. Sa va fie rusine!!!
Review of , following an experience of by CHET H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Preturi bune, servicii de calitate. Recomand
Review of , following an experience of by JASEN Z. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte plăcută experienta!
Review of , following an experience of by DIMITRI M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Un site de incredere.
Review of , following an experience of by RIGOBERTO M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site-ul ok. Informatii aparent complete. Produsul nu a fost conform descrierii, totusi. Un pic mai multa atentie la datele despre produse. Ar fi bine sa fie un pic mai complete si mai structurate. Momentan sunt destul de sporadice. Livrarea la timp, fără probleme.
Review of , following an experience of by JAQUELIN S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Am comandat o bara de tragere (fitness) care a sosit cu intarziere, dar am inteles ca asa stau lucrurile in pandemie. Din pacate au lipsit doua suruburi esentiale pentru montare, pe care a trebuit sa le achizitionez separat. Produsul insa este f bun, l-am instalat in gradina si toata familia il folosim zilnic!
Review of , following an experience of by KAMRYN M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Pe deplin multumit
Review of , following an experience of by SUSAN M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Totul a fost in regula.
Review of , following an experience of by NELLE S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte multumita
Review of , following an experience of by VERNER R. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by MICHALE P. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Comanda a fost primit in timp!
Review of , following an experience of by EULAH P. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by LUCIO K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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nota 10
Review of , following an experience of by GARDNER B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Bine organizat și ușor de folosit
Review of , following an experience of by DEVIN T. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Încă nu am desfăcut coletul, sper să fie ok. Avem de rezolvat urgente. In ce privește site-l este de 5 stele, iar informațiile primite despre comanda mea cât și urmărirea comenzii sunt foarte detaliate. Recomand site-ul.
Review of , following an experience of by MARITZA J. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Comanda a venit in termen .produsul este de calitate
Review of , following an experience of by JESS Q. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare ok
Review of , following an experience of by ABRAHAM G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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După comanda am fost contactat de echipa de suport, care a făcut tot posibilul sa ajungă coletul la timp.
Review of , following an experience of by ODELL L. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Iivrare imediata. Foarte promti
Review of , following an experience of by AHMED L. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Navigare pe site, livrare și serviciu clienți fără probleme. Servicii și produse de calitate.
Review of , following an experience of by KOREY S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Seriozitate si livrare in bune conditii.
Review of , following an experience of by HOPE G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site-ul conține informații complete și corecte. Profesionalism! Faptul că poți urmări traseul coletului și că primești tot timpul informații mi se pare un lucru foarte bun.
Review of , following an experience of by STEPHANY M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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livrare foarte prompta
Review of , following an experience of by RIVER H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare foarte rapida. Am fost mulțumită de produs ❤
Review of , following an experience of by TILLMAN G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte bine, recomand
Review of , following an experience of by REESE B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by KASANDRA P. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte bine, totul a decurs rapid si fara niciun fel de incidente. Recomand
Review of , following an experience of by EDNA Q. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare prompta. Produse de buna calitate, ambalate cu mare grija. Felicitari!
Review of , following an experience of by ARNE H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Poze reale. Comanda a ajuns destul de rapid
Review of , following an experience of by DESTINEE K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte prietenos site-ul, mai ales si aplicatia pe telefon.
Review of , following an experience of by ELISE S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare prompta, aplicatia de Android e ok.
Review of , following an experience of by ANDRE W. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Totul a decurs excelent !
Review of , following an experience of by ESTEBAN A. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte buna
Review of , following an experience of by AGUSTINA G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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F. f. bun
Review of , following an experience of by HERSHEL C. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Usor de utilizat, intuitiv
Review of , following an experience of by FILIBERTO Q. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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nu mi-ati dat factura nici in ziua de azi!! nu aveti contact pe site
Review of , following an experience of by WILMA S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
Answer by aosom.roFlagBuna ziua, Toate datele noastre sunt indicate pe site-ul nostru, atat e-mail-ul cat si numarul de telefon. V-am trimis factura fiscala prin e-mail. Mentionez ca de la dvs. nu am primit nici o cerere de factura. Va multumesc. O zi buna, Aosom
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livrarea a fost promta si produsul conform asteptarilor
Review of , following an experience of by SHAKIRA O. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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F. buna prezentarea si serviciile de asemenea. Recomand cu incredere !
Review of , following an experience of by KOBE K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Un site ok.
Review of , following an experience of by DOMENICA L. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte incantat de colaborare dar mai ales de produs. Livrare în timp util, iar produsul face toți banii. Mulțumesc!
Review of , following an experience of by ARNE K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Prompti cu livrarea , insa foarte greu cu relatiile cu clientii. Nu este nici un nr de tel si pana raspund pe mail dureaza mai mult de 2 zile..
Review of , following an experience of by GUADALUPE L. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
Answer by aosom.roFlagBuna ziua, Numarul de telefon este indicat pe site-ul nostru, va rog sa verificati. Raspundem la e-mail-uri in 24-48h, asa cum indicat in raspunsul automat. Va multumesc. O zi buna, Aosom
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Calitate buna si promptitudine. Experienta personala a fost una excelenta!
Review of , following an experience of by EULAH M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Preturi bune, se poate deci ...
Review of , following an experience of by HAYLEY A. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Calitate-preț excelente!
Review of , following an experience of by WILSON S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site-ul este este navigabil ușor, atât cu calculatorul, cât și cu aplicația mobilă. Înștiințările pentru fiecare mișcare (creare cont, plasare comandă etc) vin rapid și sunt prompte.
Review of , following an experience of by GOLDA O. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Produsele sunt de calitate, executate cu atentie la detalii, sunt incantata de ceea ce am cumparat ! Recomand cu incredere !
Review of , following an experience of by WILFRED S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by RAPHAELLE Y. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
Edit Flag este un site de incredere cu produse utile pentru casă.
Review of , following an experience of by VELVA F. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Eficacitate di promptitudine
Review of , following an experience of by NOELIA D. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Mulțumită si de produs si de livrare!
Review of , following an experience of by GIOVANNI B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Simplu de folosit site-ul si produse bune.
Review of , following an experience of by TAYA A. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by HASSIE W. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site prea incarcat. Nu voi avea curajul sa mai comand vreodata dupa experienta cu boxa de scule achizitionata
Review of , following an experience of by ALISHA J. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare rapida, discounturi periodice, greu de contactat telefonic
Review of , following an experience of by CLEO K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Produse de calitate.
Review of , following an experience of by MISTY P. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare rapida.
Review of , following an experience of by VICTORIA O. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site-ul, procesul de comanda, livrarea si serviciul relatii clienti foarte bune. Daca mai gasesc un produs pe viitor o sa comand, dar o sa ma uit cu mare atentie la imagini si detaliile produsului inainte de a comanda
Review of , following an experience of by PATTIE K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Produse de calitate si estetice.
Review of , following an experience of by LEDA W. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Aosom își respectă clientii!
Review of , following an experience of by ROYCE B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Multumesc foarte mult
Review of , following an experience of by JAYLIN B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Totul a fost ok,calitate si rapiditate.
Review of , following an experience of by ALEK B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Ușor de navigat și de comandat.
Review of , following an experience of by VICTOR S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare rapidă. Recomand!
Review of , following an experience of by LORINE G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Foarte mulțumit recomandat am avut comanda acasă în 2zile
Review of , following an experience of by BERNARD B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site ul e ok. Am cumparat doar un produs.
Review of , following an experience of by MOSSIE S. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by SAGE G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Siteul este visibil si ok
Review of , following an experience of by KEENAN B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Am fost mulțumită de experiența avută cu Aosom. Produsul este foarte bun, a fost ambalat cu grijă, iar instrucțiunile suficient de clare.
Review of , following an experience of by BLAZE K. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Site-ul este usor de folosit, la fel si aplicatia.
Review of , following an experience of by KOREY Z. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Super calitate
Review of , following an experience of by SHERIDAN W. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare ok
Review of , following an experience of by EMILY B. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Totul a decurs foarte normal si operativ. Sunt multumit.
Review of , following an experience of by JANIS M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Promptitudine maxima. Singurul minus este faptul ca a fost nevoie sa solicit factura, nu vine cu produsul
Review of , following an experience of by COLBY G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Produse de foarte buna calitate, livrate rapid si fara defecte, iar ca si pret incomparabil cu ce gasesti pe alte site’uri pentru acelasi produs!
Review of , following an experience of by HILLARY F. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Review of , following an experience of by HELEN M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Usor de navigat
Review of , following an experience of by CEDRICK G. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Am avut rețineri, am ezitat mult înainte să fac comanda, mai ales pentru că siteul mamă era din Italia. Siteul e bine făcut, mi-a luat ceva timp să înțeleg cum pot beneficia de toate "reducerile" disponibile ... Comanda a venit cu FedEx , a durat mult .... nu m-a anunțat dinainte dar am avut noroc să fiu acasă . Se și grăbea foarte tare, așa că nu i-am lăsat nimic. Până la urmă, siteul e ok, firma e ok, marfă ce nu prea găsești prin mall sau bricolaj în România. Recomand.
Review of , following an experience of by GLENNA H. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Serviciul clienti excelent
Review of , following an experience of by GARRICK M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Perfect pt vara
Review of , following an experience of by REILLY J. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Livrare f rapida, peste asteptari, recomand!
Review of , following an experience of by VINCENZA M. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
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Prezinta produse diversificate,ofera inspirație
Review of , following an experience of by ARNOLD R. *
*Pseudonymized data at the request of the author
Reviews displayed in chronological order