
Few reviews? Poor ratings? Less visibility?
Give a voice to your customers!

We specialize in product and seller reviews collection, control negative and promote positive ones.
Enhance your customer trust and improve your visibility across Google My Business, Google Shopping (PLA), Social networks and increase your SEO and SEA by displaying stars ratings in your campaigns.

You Need to generate even more content?
Let your previous customers help your visitors by answering their questions directly on the product page. Increase sales, customer's loyalty and create a strong community of happy customers.

Good to hear that you’re working with Planet Marketing too!
Get a 10% discount due to our partnership!

Not sure yet?
Start collecting customer reviews today and measure the results by yourself!

What can you expect with us ?

  • Increase conversion rate from 2,7% to 11,4%
  • Increase SEO traffic from 21% to 48% (with product reviews)
  • Decrease abandoned basket rate from 2,1% to 8,4%
  • Opening rate our 'request for reviews' emails 50% on average
  • Decrease CPC on AdWords from 5% to 35%
  • Response rate of our emails 12,6% on average (for all sectors)
  • Increase average basket from 4% to 20%

Price simulator

20 000
Your package


/ per month


Verified Reviews

Our clients